House of Representatives Wages War on Free Speech
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With the passing of the H.R.1 bill in the House of representatives today Democrats have officially waged war on freedom of speech.
This 700 plus page nightmare would lock out special interest groups from participating in the electoral process and federalize elections. Other elements of concern are the new spending rules that would give travel privileges to the political elite and restrict others including the executive branch.
s we here at the Patriot Herald initially dove into the H.R.1 bill we found some items that were actually of note such as voter protections, and ballet fraud legislation! However, at the heart of the bill, it became obvious that the Democrat party is looking to increase their voter base through this obvious pro-Democrat legislation.
First and foremost the bill gives voting right to children 16 years of age and up, thus removing the current 18-year-old voter age requirement. Another interesting item is the section that allows convicted felons to vote.
Where the bill grossly infringes on our rights as voters is the section that seeks to control social media and the ability of small factions speak freely over the internet and provide political dissent.
If you wish to read the will for your self here is a link. H.R.1 bill in the House of representatives